Skin Redness and Rosacea
Rosacea Treatments in Lynchburg
Rosacea is a common skin condition that primarily affects middle-aged women, especially those with light skin. Symptoms like redness, blushing, visible blood vessels, and red bumps can flare up with no warning, but are often be triggered by stress, extreme temperatures and alcohol. In most cases, the condition is painless, but rosacea may cause a burning or stinging sensation.

Cobb Dermatology & Aesthetics can help relieve the redness and discomfort of rosacea as well as your frustration with repeated flare-ups.

Causes of Rosacea and Facial Redness
- Hormones
- Genetics
- Aging
- Blood vessel issues
- Stress
- Environmental factors
- Mites or bacteria
Recommended Rosacea Treatments at Cobb Dermatology & Aesthetics
Dermatologic Care
Dr. Carrie Cobb can prescribe a custom care plan that may include topical medications for immediate relief or oral medications for long-term treatment.
Chemical Peels
Specially formulated for all skin types, our medical-grade, deep-penetrating exfoliating peels revitalize your skin and reduce redness and discoloration.
IPL Laser Therapy
Our intense pulsed light treatments reactivate blood flow and kickstart the body’s collagen production to treat rosacea, hyperpigmentation and dark spots.