Nail and Hair Disorders

Regain Your Confidence

Dermatologists may be known as skincare specialists, but many are experts at treating nail problems and hair disorders as well.

Dermatologist experts know all about glowing skin
Dr. Cobb skin specialist
Dr. Carrie Cobb of Cobb Dermatology & Aesthetics in Lynchburg has helped patients improve the cosmetic appearance of their hair and nails and address the underlying conditions that may be causing the problem. Whether you require a medical procedure, a topical or oral prescription, or just some helpful suggestions to keep your hair and nails looking their best, Dr. Cobb will customize a treatment for you.

What Are Some Common Nail Disorders?

While yellow, damaged or brittle nails can make you feel self-conscious, they’re actually an important indicator of your overall health. Nail problems are often the first sign of a more serious condition, from anemia to liver disease, and the sooner you see your dermatologist, the faster your medical team can determine how the rest of your body is functioning.


Nail disorders are most often caused by the following issues:

  • Fungal infections – Known in professional circles as onychomycosis, fungal infections cause your nails to yellow and thicken. They may also appear brittle or ragged. Infections occur when you come into direct contact with fungus, especially in a warm, moist environment.
  • Paronychia – Paronychia is an infection of the skin around or under the nail. The skin can become red, painful and swollen while the nail can turn green or black in color.
  • Psoriasis – For patients living with psoriasis, they may experience nail pitting, onycholysis (when the nail lifts from the skin) or nail discoloration.
  • Eczema – If you have eczema on your hands, the inflammation can disrupt your nail growth, causing ridges or grooves.
  • Chronic conditions – Horizontal ridges, or Beau’s lines, as well as spoon nails and nail clubbing, can be possible signs for another health issue, such as iron deficiency, kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or vascular disease.

When Should I See a Dermatologist for a Hair Disorder?

Several factors can impact hair loss or excess hair growth, including hormones, genetics, autoimmune diseases, stress, and medications. By getting to know you on a personal level and understanding your comprehensive health history, Dr. Cobb can better diagnose and treat your hair concerns. Some of the conditions Cobb Dermatology & Aesthetics address include:
  • Alopecia – Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system attacks your hair follicles. It can be genetic or triggered by a physical or mental health condition. Patients may experience thinning hair, patchy hair loss or complete hair loss.
  • Telogen effluvium – Telogen effluvium is a temporary condition when a body change pushes hair into the telogen phase, the time in which growing hair rests for a few months before it falls out to be replaced by new hair. Patients with telogen effluvium lose on average 300 hairs a day compared to the normal 100.
  • Excess hair growth – Extra hair on the face can result from genetics, medications, polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal disorders, or simply growing older. In addition to dermatologic treatment for excess hair growth, Cobb Dermatology & Aesthetics offers laser hair removal for a permanent solution to the condition.

The First Step to Healthier Nails and Hair

With expertise in treating nail and hair disorders, Dr. Cobb can diagnose your disorder and determine if there’s a more serious health condition that requires additional medical care. To schedule your examination, contact Cobb Dermatology & Aesthetics in Central Virginia at 434-947-5321.

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